Pretty Fit N' Preggo

Soon after I decided to incorporate "sparkliness" into my workout routine, I found myself in the best shape of my life and engaged to my awesome Muay Thai-teaching boyfriend. Shortly after, three tests plus a doctor visit confirmed I was Sparkly McPreggo! I found my new pretty fit n' sparkly attitude compromised by exhaustion and body temperature concerns. Muay Thai in pink gloves definitely took a back seat. Everything took a backseat, except sleep! And eating...eating was very important. I was not one of those pregnant ladies affected by morning sickness and nausea, rather, extreme hunger, and gained 8 pounds in 2 months.

Because my pregnancy was a bit of a (happy) surprise, I was not mentally and emotionally prepared for the change in my physique and physical capabilities. I adjusted my workout routine to include only walking on the treadmill and Pilates (I tried to run once, inspired by my newbie runner, 60-something-year-old Dad, but resembled a lumbering elephant so much, I put that on hold). I decided pretty fit was a good goal for me, given my exhaustion, work demands and keeping my baby healthy. Gone were the goals of competing in a Muay Thai fight, pursuing my yoga inversions and running a marathon with my husband. Well, at least for the next 9 months. I wasn't ready to give up my sparkly pants, though, and still have days when I shove my extra-bubbly-buttness into them.

My new pretty fit n' preggo workout routine wasn't so bad. I did my Pilates 4 times a week and was able to walk on the treadmill 3 times a week. I also tried to swim a couple times but ended up with some ear infections. As my pregnancy continued, I eventually cut out my treadmill walking (too much abdominal pain) and shortened my Pilates workouts. It was a far cry from my pre-pregnancy workouts, which took (and continues to) an emotional toll. I decided to shift my attitude and get on board with the idea that I was not trying to acheive fitness gains but have a healthy pregnancy, an "easy" delivery and a short recovery time.

At week 22, I started taking short videos of my Mat Pilates workouts to share with other pretty fit n' preggo ladies. This helped to keep my motivation high, even if I was just working out 15 minutes, 3 times a day. I am now 35 weeks, I still struggle with the weight gain, but at least I've stopped cramming myself into sexy Lululemon tops. Maybe I don't sparkle quite so much these days, but my baby and I are pretty fit...sparkles coming (back) soon!


Welcome to Pretty Fit!

I was in a suburban gym a couple months ago and about fell off the treadmill when I saw a woman walk in with glistening pink lip gloss that matched her perfectly coordinated tank and gymmies. I ruthlessly trashed her to my friends and family until one day I realized I was jealous of this woman. This woman who was so confident in her femininity that she could go to the gym, whip out 5 miles or beat the crap out of a sandbag or Spin herself silly, without the need to dress like a tough chick, saving the ruffles for a date night. I had allowed myself to get caught up in the notion that I could be girly ONLY at certain times and hard-core workouts was not the time to look dainty.

I want to go to the gym pretty. I want to find my girly-girl gym persona.

So I did. I went out and bought some super cute workout pants covered in rhinestones. Perfect. I sparkle. I SPARKLE!! And I love it. Not only do I love it, I punch harder, I spin faster, and I even found the confidence to practice my toe touch jumps! I still throw like a girl, but guess what? I am a girl.